Who Do You Really Trust?

Who Do You Really Trust?

Who Do You Really Trust? 

How does trusting God neutralize anger, bitterness, and depression?   With all that’s happening around the world, wars, natural disasters, political hatred, Covid-19, etc., is there any healthy way to deal with all our stress, anger, and frustrations? Alcoholism, drug addiction, depression and suicide are at an all time high and climbing, while online bullying is becoming the norm for soccer moms and high schoolers. People are searching for new paths that might lead to peace and purpose, but they are unwilling to try a simple straight path that is easy to find but it requires trusting a loving God for direction. 

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Trusting God requires submitting to His truth for getting on the right path that leads to mental health in broken world. We live in a world that denies God’s absolute truth, and then wonders why there is so much evil in the world. What would happen in our lives as believers if we would, not only trust in the Lord, but trust in the Lord with all our hearts? So, how do we let go of our need to control our own live? I think it starts with a humble heart that trusts God’s word more than our own understanding of the world around us. That leads us finding the right path for being emotionally, spiritually, and relationally whole.

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Most people don’t grow up thinking, I want to be meek when I grow up. Why is that? Inheriting anything of great value, like “the earth,” usually inspires commitment, so why isn’t the desire to become meek, written on young men’s walls in their rooms? It starts with not understanding two words in Matthew 5:5 (Blessed & Meek). Blessed means, on the right path, and to be meek means, to have great strength that is under control, like a powerful stallion who is controlled by the reins. We will be on the right path that leads to God’s inheritance if we put our strength under God’s headship, instead of putting our weight down on our own understanding. Trusting God leads to mental, social, and emotional health.              

Are You Ready?
Thank God!