Sermons by Pastor Matthew Shorack
Eden: Fulfilled Destiny
Genesis 2:7-25 Good To Go (Series On End Times) Genesis 2:7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. God exhaled and Adam inhaled. Genesis 2:15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. God gave Adam a job. Genesis 2:18 The Lord God said,…
Where Are You Headed?
John 14:1-3 Good To Go (Series On End Times) We have every reason to have great hope for our future. John 14:1-3 Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back…
Feeling Neglected (Malachi)
Malachi Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) Malachi lived almost 100 years after the Israelites had returned from exile in Babylon. Israel’s Blessing (1:1–5): God’s blessings of Jacob’s descendants. God brings a downfall on Esau’s descendants. The temple had been rebuilt but they felt neglected. Why? Israel’s toxic actions (1:6–2:17; 3:5–15): The priests’ sins and rebellion. They despise and dishonor God’s holy name. They offer polluted sacrifices. They pervert God’s Word, causing many to stumble. Their rebuke:…
God Speaks In Dreams (Zechariah)
Zechariah Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) Historical setting: At the beginning of this book the 70 years of exile are almost done and God’s promise seemed impossible. Zechariah 1:1-6 Don’t make the same mistakes as you ancestors by refusing to repent of your sin. The peoples response is to outwardly repent of their sin. Zechariah 1:7-6:15 Zechariah has 8 dreams that are unusual visions from God that gave meaning to what was happening then and understanding about…
God’s House: Haggai
Haggai Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) In 587 B.C. Babylon defeated Jerusalem and destroyed the temple, but that wasn’t the end of their story. Haggai was written in 520 B.C., nearly 70 years after the exile. Babylon’s empire had recently collapsed, and the Persians are in charge. They let any of the exiled Israelites go back to Jerusalem if they want to and start rebuilding. After only a couple years, they had finished the foundation for the…
Justice And Love (Zephaniah)
Zephaniah Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) Historical setting: Zephaniah served during the last decades of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. (2 Kings 22-23) The same time that king Josiah tried to turn things around by restoring the temple and destroying idols, so that the people would only worship the one true God. But Israel was so committed to worshiping idols and false gods, they just couldn’t let go of their idolatry. King Josiah’s pride led to his…
Judging God (Habakkuk)
Habakkuk Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) Historical setting: Habakkuk served during the final decades of the Southern Kingdom, when idolatry and injustice were rampant. Babylon’s power was growing and so was their threat. Habakkuk doesn’t speak to the people for God, instead the book of Habakkuk is about his accusing words to God, and God’s response to him. The first two chapters record Habakkuk arguing with God. Complaint #1-Life is full of violence and injustice and…
God Is Our Refuge (Nahum)
Nahum Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) Historical setting: The book of Nahum is a group of poems forecasting the destruction of one of Israel’s main tormentors, Assyria, with Nineveh as their capital city. Assyria was a powerful empire that conquered Israel and exiled the Northern kingdom. (2 Kings 17) The Assyrians were taken down in 612 BC by the Babylonian Empire. Chapter 1 starts with a poem that tells of the powerful arrival of God’s glory bringing justice…
Dangers Of Religion (Micah)
Micah Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) Historical setting: Micah lived in the Southern kingdom of Judah during Isaiah’s leadership. The Northern and Southern kingdom’s were dishonoring God with worshiping false gods and immoral living. Chapters 1 and 4a: Accusations and warnings God appears over Israel with earthquakes and fire bringing judgement for over 500 years of rebellion. The Leaders have stolen from their people. (1 Kings 21) Even their prophet are dishonest and immoral. They offer…
Self Diverted (Jonah)
Jonah Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons Unforgiveness can weigh heavy on our souls. Ephesians 4:31-32; Colossians 3:13 Background The book of Jonah is about a rebellious prophet, who is angry at God, for offering forgiveness to Jonah’s enemies. There’s only one other place in the Old Testament that talks about Jonah. During the reign of one of Israel’s worst kings, Jeroboam II. (2 Kings 14:23-25) God reversed Jonah’s prophesy in Amos 6:13-14. Jonah is unlike any other book.…
Pride Comes Before… (Obadiah)
Obadiah 1:1-21 Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons Background: The Edomites and the Israelites had a shared ancestry. Abraham and Sarah had Isaac who married Rebekah. They had two sons Jacob and Esau who didn’t get along. (Genesis 25-27) Later Jacob was named Israel and Esau became Edom. This eventually became the names of the two families who descended from them who also didn’t get along, but they still shared a family background. Edom betrayed Israel and that’s when…
Justice and Righteousness (Amos)
Amos Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) Historical setting: Before Amos began prophesying for the Lord, he had been one of the shepherds of Tekoa, in the hill country of Judah. The Northern Kingdom of Israel, to whom Amos’ message was directed, was at the pinnacle of its power. The rich enjoyed an indulgent lifestyle, while the poor became targets, for exploitation. Chapters 1-2 Amos accuses the nations surrounding Israel. Then Amos accuses Israel in much stronger way…
God Restores (Joel)
Joel 1:1-3:21 Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) Historical setting: Six of the minor Prophets minister to Judah. Obadiah, Joel, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk. Joel was most likely written during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah after coming home from exile. Joel quotes from 8 other Old Testament Books. The Day of the Lord When God confronts evil and saves. Two Parallel Poems: 1) Joel 1:1-20 -PAST Day Locus swarm Egypt/Israel People called to repentance Joel repents…
God Is Faithful (Hosea)
Hosea : Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons (Series) Historical setting: Hosea lived in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, about 200 years after they had separated from Judah in the South. Hosea spoke for the Lord during the reign of Jeroboam 2nd, one of Israel’s most wicked kings. (1 Kings 12) The Lord tells Hosea that the Assyrian Empire will soon destroy Israel. (2 Kings 14-17) This book is split into 3 main sections. (1-3;4-11,12-14) Hosea 1-3: Hosea is…
The Kingdom of God
Luke 17:20-21 Experiencing Freedom Over Darkness (Series) What is the kingdom of God and does it take place in our eternal future, or is it a present reality to experience now? Psalms 103:19 “The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.” The Kingdom of God means that God’s reign and rule governs all things. Luke 17:20-21 “Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming…
Broken Relationships
Luke 15:11-32 Experiencing Freedom Over Darkness (Series) Luke 15:11-16 (11-12) “Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. 12The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.” Rebellion: The son broke off relationship with his family and went far away. When the younger son asked for his share of the estate, he was saying to his father, “I wish you were dead!” We are always…
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