Twelve Minor Prophets With Major Life Lessons
Unforgiveness can weigh heavy on our souls. Ephesians 4:31-32; Colossians 3:13
The book of Jonah is about a rebellious prophet, who is angry at God, for offering forgiveness to Jonah’s enemies.
There’s only one other place in the Old Testament that talks about Jonah. During the reign of one of Israel’s worst kings, Jeroboam II. (2 Kings 14:23-25) God reversed Jonah’s prophesy in Amos 6:13-14. Jonah is unlike any other book. It’s about the prophet himself, not about what he says. It is written like a play using Satire.
Jonah 1: God tells Jonah to go to Nineveh. Instead Jonah goes the other direction to Tarshish on a ship. Why does Jonah run from God?
All the characters are doing the opposite of what we would expect them to do.
1)There’s Jonah the prophet who rebels against God.
2) We have the Sailors who are quick to seek God. Why does Jonah want to be thrown in the water? The Lord provides a giant fish to swallow Jonah.
Jonah 2: Jonah prays to the Lord from inside the fish. Jonah’s first prayer of repentance. (Kind of…) There’s no change of heart so his actions don’t change.
God commanded the fish to vomit Jonah onto dry land.
Jonah 3: Jonah and the Ninevites.
Go to the Ninevites and preach what I tell you. Jonah shares as little as possible in his sermon. Jonah doesn’t mention Nineveh’s sin, how to repent, or even God. He gives an 8 word sermon (Jonah 3:4) The people, the king, and even the animals repent. God has mercy and doesn’t destroy them.
Jonah 4: Jonah’s second prayer. He criticizes God and His mercy with Nineveh. This is why Jonah ran away from God. Jonah would rather die than see God forgive Nineveh.
When a person is full of anger, hatred, and unforgiveness, they see themselves as victims, and their self-identity becomes one of self-hate.
This book is trying to get our attention.
Are we good with God loving our enemies?
Are we glad God loves His enemies?
Are we willing to forgive as God forgave us?