All Nations Will Fall

All Nations Will Fall

All Nations Will Fall

Daniel 2:30-49

Daniel: Serving God In A Godless Culture (Series)

Daniel 2:30-33 The Revelation

Babylonian Empire (605-539 B.C.) Head of gold

Medo-Persian Empire (539-331 B.C.) Chest & arms of silver- Greek Empire (331-146 B.C.) Belly and thighs of bronze

Roman Empire (146 B.C.-395 A.D.) Legs of iron Restored Roman Empire ( ? ) Feet partly of iron and clay Daniel 2:34-41 The Interpretation (37-38) Babylon: You are the head of gold. (39)

Medo-Persia: The chest and two arms of silver. Cyrus the Great ruled 200 years. (39) Greece: The belly and thighs of bronze.

The Medes and Persians are defeated by Alexander the Great. (40)Romans: The legs of Iron The Roman Empire will take out the Greece. (42-43) The Ten Kingdom Confederacy: The toes of Iron and clay. Rome was never defeated by another kingdom. This time is still ahead of us. We are living in the long period of time between the Roman Empire and the Restored Roman Empire. (44)The Last Kingdom of Christ Jesus: The Rock cut from the Mountain that fills the entire earth. (34-35) The Stone– The coming King. (35) The Mountain– The coming Kingdom.

Daniel 2:45-49 The Appreciation The King promotes Daniel and his friends and praises God