Posts from August 2020

Posts from August 2020


THE LORD WILL RAISE HIS VOICE TO BE HEARD This last Sunday, we started a new series, “Giving Up Your Idols” from Luke 9:59-60. Our midweek encouragement will be connected to the previous message for this series. Matthew 21:12-13 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and  the benches of those selling doves. 13 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will…

No More Banging Gongs

No More Banging Gongs I’ve been reading through Ephesians for my devotions for the last few weeks and a few things stood out to me. The church was in a hostile environment in Ephesus, were they were isolated and under pressure to give into the Godless culture of their day. Paul encourages the church, by reminding them that God is in control, and their salvation can’t be taken away. Eternal life is eternal. Then Paul shows what God’s purpose and…

Giving Up Your Idols (Series)

Have you ever wondered if you’re the only one who struggles with the hypocrisy of not living out what you know to be true? How can a believer know God’s word and be so casual in not being a doer of the word? Is there a way to experience love, joy, peace and the rest of the fruit of the Spirit in a growing way in a world that is getting more and more divided and anti-Christian? The answer isn’t…

Are You Whole?

Are You Whole? Do you know the word of God and still feel like you’re somehow missing something very important? Do scriptures like the Galatians 5:22-26 bring frustration instead of peace and joy? Does it remind you of what your missing in real time faith? Can we be whole or are we destined to enjoy only fleeting moments of the fruit of the Spirit. Is God really that Cruel? Does He point at what is just out of His children’s…